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This Election Day, March to Your Polling Location and Vote as if your “Rights” Depend On It

As Election Day approaches there are forecasts regarding the outcome that should scare our urban Community into action. Republicans have flooded the airwaves and mailboxes with what in many cases, amount to lies and misinformation. There’s now an atmosphere with hyperbolic results, as friendly commercialized pitches for your vote have turned into angry people with scowls on their faces, blaming every Democrat on the ballot for societal ills that are happening globally.

What’s on the mid-term ballot? Windfall profits of War, Civil Rights, Voting Rights, Women’s Rights, and the future of our Democracy. These issues aren’t only national issues of concern, the MAGA Republicans have infested the political system to its core. In addition, we have a local candidate for Congress NY-22, Brandon Williams, a candidate who is associated with the Make America Great Again movement and he’s openly tooted dog whistles in a campaign commercial stating, “It doesn’t feel like our country anymore”.

Due to COVID-19 there are still supply chain and staffing issues within the entire global economic system. With thousands dying from the COVID pandemic, and a record number of Americans retiring over the last two years, we’re going to have staffing issues.

What’s apparent to me is Republicans channeling their anger to meet voters’ frustrations, without offering any real solutions. Republican candidate for New York Governor, Lee Zeldin frightens people with grainy crime footage, tapping into that suburban fear of the big bad violent criminal let loose. By the way, the Micron deal we’ve been gushing over, Zeldin has stated that he’s against these subsidies designed to make New York State a major player in microchip manufacturing.  And yet, instead of giving us something positive to look towards as a result of his election, Zeldin provides simplistic answers to some of our most complex issues.

Windfall Profits of War

Due to the Russians invasion of Ukraine, there has been a disruption in supply and include OPEC and their ability to set prices as an organization. According to PBS, Chevron took in more than $11 billion, Shell $9.5 billion, BP over eight billion. And, today, the world’s largest oil company, Saudi Aramco, reported making $42 billion this quarter. ExxonMobil pulled in nearly $20 billion in profit. Chevron took in more than $11 billion, Shell $9.5 billion, BP over eight billion. And, today, the world’s largest oil company, Saudi Aramco, reported making $42 billion this quarter. Republicans blame President Biden for calamities that are beyond a US Presidents power to radically change. Gas prices which used to follow the cost of a barrel of oil are no longer reflected at the pump as large oil companies reap record profits in 2022.

Civil Rights

Another consequence of Republicans taking over both the House of Representatives and the Senate is the ongoing assault on Civil Rights and Voting Rights. Over 30 states have instituted more restrictive voting rules. Enhanced identification, organized voter intimidation, scarcity of polling places in heavily minority districts in the south. Next target, Affirmative Action in college admissions.

Women’s Rights

A woman’s right to control her own body is on the ballot, as Republicans have signaled, they’ll push for a nation-wide ban on abortion at the Federal level. With an aggressive Supreme Court taking away protections granted by Row V. Wade Congress has the power to codify these rights into law. Or if Republicans gain the White House in 2024 and have both the House and Senate draconian measures are sure to follow.

Medicare/Prescription Drugs

Democrats major legislative victories, are threatened by a Republican mid-term takeover of Congress. While there won’t be enough votes to repeal, Republicans have shown a willingness to create mayhem out of the most rudimentary governing process.

Republicans are against reducing the cost of Insulin for those suffering from Diabetes, in addition to a desire to roll back Medicare’s ability to negotiate lower drug prices. There’s also a plan being floated by Republicans to review Social Security every five years. This contract with the American worker is being threatened with being turned into a discretionary budget item.

When Did Voting Become a “Problem”

If my memory serves me correctly, we as Americans didn’t have an issue with voting until the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States. As a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1980 I was encouraged to vote, as the state had a same day voter registration policy. A policy they were once proud of. I needed two forms of identification, my student identification, and a utility bill.  Since then, Wisconsin has joined those engaged in an organized effort to make voting more difficult, especially for people of color and the poor.

Next month or next year, I don’t want to be walking around in a circle complaining about some policy that’s discriminatory. This is “YOUR” opportunity to be heard, loud and clear. Therefore, on this Election Day, March to your Polling location and vote as if your rights depend on it, because they do.



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