Santa is taking new safety measures just for you!
We are playing it safe. Santa is distanced at least 6 feet from children, with a plexiglass barrier in between. Plus, guests are welcome to review the safety measures being taken based on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention online at Best practices are being followed, including maintaining social distance, face masks required for everyone, and enhanced cleaning between visits.
If you can’t make it out, that’s okay. Cherry Hill Programs, which has brought Santa to children and families across the U.S. for 60 years, has also provided the latest HD video call technology to the North Pole to allow Santa to safely visit families across the world, while simultaneously adhering to proper social distancing guidelines. Santa can connect with children and families all over, via personalized Zoom video calls, as part of its 2020 “Holiday Magic Traditions” package.
This V.I.P. package also includes a premium Holiday Traditions Gift Box, unlimited access to My Photo with Santa, unlimited access to create Pet Photos with Santa, on-demand video Story Time with Santa, a letter from Mrs. Claus and her secret cookie recipe kit, and much more. Additional, lower-tiered, experience packages are also available for purchase starting at $9.99. Cherry Hill Programs also offers two free trials this year, guests have access to try My Photo with Santa and Pet Photo with Santa for free or upgrade to a premium license for unlimited photo uploads and downloads along with access to a full library of adorable holiday backgrounds, frames and stickers. Both are available to share across social media and are printable at no extra cost. All packages are currently available to purchase via
Santa Claus will be at Destiny USA until Christmas Eve and then he is off to prepare for his big night! Click here to view Santa’s schedule and Destiny USA’s holiday hours.