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Public Notice City of Syracuse City Planning Commission Public Hearing: Monday, December 14, 2020

Notice Is Hereby Given, that a Public Hearing will be held Monday, December 14, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. via Webex to consider in full, or in part, the following applications.  Please note this is not necessarily the order in which they will be heard.

  1. SP-20-13, for a Special Permit for a Parking Lot on property situated at 300 East Genesee Street, owned by PEMCO Montgomery St, LLC, zoned Central Business District-Office and Service District, pursuant to Part B, Section IV, Article 2 and Part C, Section IV, Articles 1 and 2 of the City of Syracuse Zoning Rules and Regulations, as amended.


  1. SP-20-14, for a Special Permit for a Care Home on property situated at 800-806 Court Street and 1017 Danforth Street, owned by Joseph’s House for Women, Inc., zoned Residential, Class A, pursuant to Part B, Section I, Article 3 and Part C, Section IV, Articles 1 and 2 of the City of Syracuse Zoning Rules and Regulations, as amended.


  1. AS-20-06, for an Administrative Permit to install an Off-Premise Advertising Sign on property situated at 3420-3426 Burnet Avenue, Rear, owned by Nicholas Vitto, zoned Industrial, Class A, pursuant to Part B, Section VI, Article 1 and Part C, Section VI, Articles 6 and 7 of the City of Syracuse Zoning Rules and Regulations, as amended.


  1. SR-17-02M1, for a Site Plan Review to modify an existing roof-top antenna array on property situated at 1207-1211 Almond Street, owned by the Syracuse Housing Authority, zoned Residential, Class B and Business, Class A, pursuant to Part B, Section I, Article 7, Part B, Section III, Article 2, and Part C, Section I, Article 7 of the City of Syracuse Zoning Rules and Regulations, as amended.


  1. R-20-66, for a Resubdivision to combine two properties situated at 319 Clairmonte Avenue and 229 Stolp Avenue, owned by the Richard and Karen Galloway Irrevocable Trust, zoned Residential, Class A-1, into one new Lot pursuant to the City of Syracuse Resubdivision Regulations, as amended.


  1. R-20-68, for a Resubdivision to combine two properties situated at 230 and 234-236 Garfield Avenue, owned by Latoya Allen and the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation, zoned Residential, Class AA, into one new Lot pursuant to the City of Syracuse Resubdivision Regulations, as amended.


  1. R-20-69, for a Resubdivision to combine two properties situated at 510 Kirkpatrick Street and 1250 Park Street, owned by Cathedral Candle Company, zoned Planned Development District, into one new Lot pursuant to the City of Syracuse Resubdivision Regulations, as amended.


  1. Z-2836, for a Petition for a Text Amendment by the City of Syracuse Common Council to amend Part B, Section V, Articles 1 and 2, and Part B, Section VI, Article 1 of the City of Syracuse Zoning Rules and Regulations, as amended, to require a Special Permit review for “Care Homes” in Commercial, Class A, Commercial, Class B, and Industrial, Class A zoning districts.


Please note that the process below is subject to change.

Consistent with the Governor’s March 7, 2020 Executive Order declaring a Coronavirus (Covid-19) State of Emergency, in-person public meetings and hearings will NOT be conducted in the Common Council Chambers.  The entirety of the meeting will be conducted remotely via the WebEx conferencing system. Please visit the City’s website for details.

Applications can be inspected on the City’s website only. Written comments are strongly preferred and should be emailed to zoning@syrgov.net, or mailed to the Zoning Office, Room 500, City Hall Commons, 201 E. Washington St., Syracuse, NY 13202.  For more information and details, please visit http://www.syrgov.net/Planning_Commission.aspx, email zoning@syrgov.net, or call (315) 448-8640.


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