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Please … move on

Recent radio advertisements paid for by Moveon.org give us a real fish story…you know, telling a big one about the fish that got away? Moveon.org’s ad reeled in the listener providing a lure-on-a-hook voice-over that confirms the “uber-liberal” political organization has kidnapped and perhaps drugged the gentleman providing narrative for those folksy Kinney “You’re-under-our-care” Drugstore commercials.

The ad, if I may paraphrase, tells listeners that voters want Jim Walsh to stand up to President Bush, to get out of Iraq, and as if television’s Quaker Oats pitchman Wilfred Brimley himself were serving you a warm bowl of oatmeal, calmly proclaims “Jim Walsh has lost his spine.”

Until the last election cycle Central New York voters have only heard of tactics employed by the predominately Democratic supporters of moveon.org.

As we enter a new cycle, leading towards the 2008 congressional elections, we will be deluged with nasty campaign ad spending depicting either Congressman Walsh or some other hapless Republican elected official as the politically deformed spawn of the devil himself.

Don’t get me wrong, Republicans hold a copyright on nasty campaigning, name-calling and hypocrisy.

In her book “Godless: The Church of Liberalism,” neo-conservative bitch-queen Ann Coulter attempts to show “how liberal hostility to traditional religion stems from the fact that liberalism is itself a religion – a godless one.” Coulter wrote a book criticizing 9/11 widows “reveling in their status as celebrities. I’ve never seen people enjoying their husbands’ death so much.” And Coulter’s most recent foot in her big mouth came from calling Democratic Presidential candidate John Edwards a “faggot.”

Republican Congressman Mark Foley served as chairman of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children. The congressman gets caught sending inappropriate emails with congressional pages, two of whom he had sex with once they were of age. Family-value proponents like Newt Gingrich admits having an affair with an aid while leading the impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton.

Rudy Giuliani’s former wife Donna Hanover had to get a judge’s order to keep our hero Rudy’s girlfriend and current wife from being entertained at the New York City mayor’s official residence, Gracie Mansion.

And it’s nice to see that contenders for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination believe in the institution of marriage – Rudy Giuliani and John McCain have racked up five between them. There are six marriages between Rudy “I-married-my-cousin” Giuliani and his new wife Judith alone!

Now, that’s valuing families.

Ken Jackson is the editor of Urban CNY.


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