Even if you don’t know these languages but you have a development background, you should be able to follow how it’s implemented. I’m always more than a little squeamish these types of things because they always involve a little more work than you expect. I don’t like automatic installers which start putting things in places that are not transparent. It took quite a few steps to install it and get it running.
When reporting problems, it’s extremely helpful if you can provide
reproduction instructions — the sequence of calls and/or test data that
can be used to reproduce the issue. Mock isn’t included in the formal dependencies because they aren’t required
for normal operation of PyXero. Using a wrapper around Xero API is a really nice feature, but it’s also interesting to understand what is exactly
happening under the hood. When using the API over an extended period, you will need to exchange tokens
when they expire. The verifier can then be used to verify the credentials, as with the manual
Image Surfaces¶
We can use the clock object to schedule a function to happen in the
future. Often when writing a game, you will want to schedule some game event to occur
at a later time. For example, we may want a big boss alien https://bookkeeping-reviews.com/pyxero/ to appear after 60
seconds. Similar to play_once(), but instead of stopping the current music, the
track will be queued to play after the current track finishes (or after
any other previously queued tracks).
Another difference to the sounds system is that only one music track can be
playing at a time. If you play a different track, the previously playing track
will be stopped. Just the effort of getting an install made with all the above components would be a headache to set up for our system administrators. PKCE is an alternative flow for providing authentication via OAuth2. You probably noticed that we used the keyboard in the above code. If you’d like to know what keys are pressed on the keyboard, you can query the
attributes of the keyboard builtin.
Download files
If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. If you’re not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages. New features or bug fixes can be submitted via a pull request. When you register your private application with Xero, you’ll be given a
Consumer Key. You’ll also be given a Consumer secret – this can be
- Even if you don’t know these languages but you have a development background, you should be able to follow how it’s implemented.
- That makes it transparent and easy to get in and fix it if needed without requiring third party support.
- The on_finished argument
to animate() also sets this attribute. - If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again.
It relies on a python HTTP package requests and oauthlib with support for Oauth 2.0 and 1.1. In the process of pulling it apart yesterday I went through dropping print statements into the code to mostly understand what it was doing. At one point I gave up and just pointed the pyxero interface at an instance of Iguana to have a better look at the HTTP transactions it was pumping out. It has functionality is overkill for our limited needs. So I took a couple of hours, looking at how it was implemented and wrote a single file implementing an Oauth 1.1 call into Xero in just under 90 lines of Lua code.
Built-in Objects¶
Will position the alien so its right-hand side is set to WIDTH. Schedule callback to be called once after the given delay. Note that fire_laser is the function itself; without parentheses, it is
not being called here! You generally need to ensure that your images are named with lowercase letters,
numbers and underscores only. To wade through this, you have to be a pretty confident developer – for other people to understand and support this in production would create headaches. If you find any problems with PyXero, you can log them on Github Issues.
When you register your partner application with Xero, you’ll have a Consumer Key, Consumer Secret and RSA Key. If using a Private application, you will need to install PyCrypto, https://bookkeeping-reviews.com/ a pure
Python cryptographic module. You’ll also need to generate an signed RSA
certificate, and submit that certificate as part of registering your
application with Xero.