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Bad Medicine: SUNY Upstate to Buy Crouse Health

I was born in Crouse-Irving Memorial Hospital (now Crouse Health) and have had procedures performed at both facilities; the prospect of SUNY Upstate merging with Crouse Hospital is frightening. Not because of any slight against the institution, but merging these hospitals is like breeding a Golden Retriever with a Pitt Bull. They’re both very different institutions, with very different cultures for both patients and employees. And we haven’t gotten to the provision of care. We’re

Redistricting the City of Syracuse: Why Bother?

Why have a local representative body when they don’t even venture into these blight infested communities? I reside in the Second Common Council District; I bought a house right behind Brooklyn Pickle across the street from where a neighborhood junkyard meets Porter School. Demographically it’s poor, white and 1,000 feet from what is known as Tipperary Hill. The differences are as dramatic as the house landing on the Wicked Witch of the West in the

Time for a Velvet Hammer? Gun Shots, Destiny USA Mall and the Sensationalism of Media Coverage

No one has to be convinced that something’s been occurring not only here in Syracuse, but across the urban landscape of America.  Incidents in cities involving guns; fights, robberies, etc. have increased.  Nothing could be further from the truth when shoppers at Destiny USA were evacuated, and the 10th largest Mall in America was forced to close its doors early on Saturday evening. Immediately, the hand wringing and finger pointing began, on local news and

Control: Syracuse University’s Plan to “Assist” Thornden and Walnut Parks

This is a story about control Our control Control of where we play Control of what we do And this time I’m gonna say it my way I hope you enjoy this as much as I do Are you ready? I am ‘Cause it’s all about control* And we’re about to lose it) I grew up on Harrison St. across from Walnut Park, our house was on the campus map. When they told me to

Onondaga County Democratic Party Slams the Door on Fingers of Possible Contenders for John Katko’s Seat in Congress

One Democratic veteran of local politics called the move, “another form of voter suppression, but this time it’s the Democratic Party of Onondaga County” John Katko’s sudden and unexpected retirement announcement is sending ripples through Democratic Party-political waters. so far Three Democrats, all military veterans, previously announced their intention to run for Congress. They are Navy veteran Francis Conole, Air Force veteran Sarah Klee Hood and Army veteran Steven Holden. In an emergency meeting called

Redistricting Onondaga County: What Republicans Accomplished is the Construction of an Electoral Viaduct, a Berlin Wall Against Democracy

“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely” – Lord Acton  The aforementioned quote sums up the debate and vote that establishes redrawn district lines for the Onondaga County Legislature effective for the next ten years. The process discarding any pretense of fairness, had all the makings of a shotgun wedding. Except this is Redistricting, the divvying up of power, impacting the very policies that govern our county over the next decade. The most

Election Day 2021: Now, It’s Up to You

There’s a lot at stake on November 2nd Election Day. After allowing republicans to go unchallenged on the Onondaga County Legislature, Democrats are putting up a slate of candidates. We will see if their “Flip the Legislature” theme struck a chord with voters. Given recent history, the 16th Onondaga County Legislative District could be a tight race as Charles Garland won the democratic nomination in a primary; Vernon Williams, the incumbent has waged an all-out

The Alliance Network Endorses Ben Walsh for Mayor

Alliance Network endorses a slate of candidates: Vernon Williams – 16th District Onondaga County Legislator; Amir Gethers – Syracuse Common Councilor-At-Large; Rasheada Caldwell – Syracuse Common Councilor-At-Large; Twiggy Billue – Syracuse City School District Commissioner of Education; Nyatwa Bullock – Syracuse City School District Commissioner of Education The Alliance Network is pleased to endorse incumbent Ben Walsh for Syracuse Mayor. Steady leadership throughout these unprecedented times has allowed him to distinguish himself from the other

Re-Elect Ben Walsh Mayor: “Imagine Syracuse Rising” with a cake in the oven, now is not the time to slam the door

Urbancny.com Endorses Ben Walsh for Re-Election as Mayor of Syracuse Ambitious Administration Set High Standards for themselves Multiple projects soon to begin will bring additional employment opportunities New era of cooperation with other elected officials Four years ago, voters in the city of Syracuse sent a message, through their votes, people rejected the policies and politics of our two major political parties; republicans and democrats. The people chose Ben Walsh, an Independent not aligned with

Governor Hochul Provides October 21, 2021 Update to New Yorkers on State’s Progress Combating COVID-19

58,693 Vaccine Doses Administered Over Last 24 Hours 43 COVID-19 Deaths Statewide Yesterday     Governor Kathy Hochul today updated New Yorkers on the state’s progress combating COVID-19. “As COVID continues to threaten the health and safety of New Yorkers, it’s more important than ever that everyone act responsibly and get vaccinated as soon as possible,” Governor Hochul said. “It’s time to do the right thing – not only is the vaccine safe, effective and free, but vaccination

Ken Jackson

Ken Jackson

Editor and Publisher. Media - Writing (weekly column) Print and Web publications, Community Activism, Minority Media, Government Administration.

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