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Bill O’Reilly Pay’s A Visit To Syracuse to “Take me out”

Last week, some of you may be aware of the initiative we put in place at YourBlackWorld to confront Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity and the rest of the Axis of Ignorance about the way they have misrepresented the news and damaged the reputation of one black leader after another. Well, I guess my own chickens have come home to roost. One of the readers on Your Black World sent me an email stating that Bill

Rules of the Game

For those who are graduating from high school (or have relatives graduating next may), here is a quick rhyme I wrote about kicking butt in college. It is my firm belief that EVERY CHILD IS COLLEGE MATERIAL IF THEY WANT TO BE…..so, whatever your guidance counselor told you about your child not being equipped for the next level, tell them that Dr. Boyce said THEY ARE WRONG. Education is your vehicle, it’s kinda like your


A Note to my Friends – WHY I AM BOYCOTTING THE NCAA http://www.BoyceWatkins.com Last year, I engaged in a short campaign on CNN, CBS Sports, ESPN and the LA Times to highlight major problems with “big time” college athletics. It is not my goal to anger anyone, but rather, to share what I have seen in my 15 years teaching at universities with major athletics programs. As a finance professor, I find the financial problems


All the polls said that South Carolina was supposed to be close. Televised specials on black female conflict between race and gender were all over the airwaves, and it was concluded that South Carolina would be a battle ground between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. The problem was that the poll in my gut said the race wouldn’t be close at all. Barack Obama was going to win, and he was going to win big.

Rapper 50 Cent and Nobel Prize Winner Expect Barack Obama to be Assassinated

When 50 Cent says something, most of us don’t listen. As a hip hop fan, I don’t even listen to his music anymore, since it has gotten extraordinarily whack. But when a Nobel Prize Winner agrees with him, that makes you do a double-take. When asked why he supports Senator Hillary Clinton, 50 Cent (I referred to him as “Fiddy” when we discussed him on CNN and BET) had this to say: “I don’t think

Lil Wayne and Heath Ledger: Drugs, Young People and America

Shortly before Lil Wayne’s arrest, I’d become reacquainted with him. I’ve met a lot of artists through time, and even when I met Wayne a couple of years ago, I wasn’t impressed. I honestly didn’t feel, at the time, that his music was all that good. But this year, I was proven wrong. “Lil Weezy” came up like Godzilla from the ocean, and he now has my respect. Sort of. Heath Ledger has had an

Three Very Bad Reasons for Not Saving Money

I was talking to my uncle, who is not exactly Donald Trump. He earns a pay rate that is not indistinguishable from minimum wage, lives in an apartment that requires rent by the week, and spends a little too much time in the bottle. I love him anyway, even if I can only take so much of him. But during those moments when we do have a chance to talk about his future, we sometimes

Five Reasons Black People Don’t Listen to Bill Cosby

My questions for Dr. Huxtable, as he engages in his ego-maniacal “reign of terror”, completed in celebration of his latest cure for 400 years worth of social ills would be listed below. Of course, Bill would never have a conversation with any scholar with the ability to rip his ideas apart. His only response (on the Oprah Winfrey Show, with no dissenters present) is “My critics are all crazy”. Sounds like a doctor to me….Here

My position on Michael Vick

I’ve been asked by some to clarify my position on Michael Vick. The Today Show interview may or may not get it right tomorrow, but I thought I would let my friends have the 411. I also share some thoughts on our site http://www.YourBlackWorld.com, and http://www.FIERCE411.com, our site for women. The poll on Vick that we took on YourBlackWorld shows that race plays a strong role in the Vick case, as people are somewhat divided

Nifong, Duke and the dirty, dirty south – why we still just don’t get it

I was taken aback yesterday by the volume of hate mail I received in response to the last article I wrote about Mike Nifong, the prosecutor in the Duke LaCrosse case. Apparently, a few folks had the urge to circulate the column through various chatrooms, news stations, magazines, KKK rallies and porno shops apparently causing the panic that rocked the nation. One of the writers even called me a “negroid”, which is a nice change

Dr. Boyce Watkins

Dr. Boyce Watkins

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