“In today’s Post-Standard debate, Brandon Williams continued to mislead voters, downplaying his initial opposition to CHIPS legislation that brought 50,000 jobs to Central New York. Brandon Williams wrote an August Letter to the Editor, where announced his opposition to the CHIPS legislation that recently brought Micron to Central New York and will support 49,000 good-paying jobs. The bipartisan legislation was backed by Republican Rep. John Katko, who recently announced he will not support Williams. The CHIPS legislation is an historic investment in America’s national security and manufacturing, domestic semiconductor manufacturing the tools to ensure we can compete with China in production of these crucial components. Brandon Williams has a history of doing business with a company with ties to the Chinese Communist Party and is once again siding with China against American workers and putting our national security at risk.” – Francis Conole Campaign
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Democrats, joined by a few “moderate” Republicans, are on a spending binge for pet green projects that richly reward special interests and does little for the environment. And a “modest” $50 billion corporate welfare package for the profitable chip industry has ballooned by an additional $200 billion almost overnight! Workers know that this will only prolong the historic inflation that is hitting their family budgets. Congress seems to have forgotten about the pain we are all experiencing at the pump. They know the special interests demand payback for their donations and favors.