For the second year in a row, Upstate Medical University students delivered more than 400 winter coats to students at STEAM at Dr King Elementary School in Syracuse. Jan. 6.
The new coats were donated by students and Upstate employees, and also purchased with contributions from area organizations, including the Amazin’ Mets Foundation, Maxim Construction, the PGR Foundation, the Cathedral at Immaculate Conception and Blaze Pizza.
Antoinette Singleton at STEAM at Dr King Elementary School, said the coats are a wonderful contribution for the children. “These coats are certainly needed and judging by the smiles they bring much happiness to our children.”

First-year med student Margaret A. Lovier was one of the coordinators of the coat drive project supported by Upstate’s Public Health Interest Group. She was on hand Friday to help students select their coats. (Meg appears in some of the attached photos).
“It’s a wonderful opportunity to give back to the community,” she said. “We’re thankful to all those who donated coats and to those organizations who provided funding to purchase additional coats.
Coat drive assistance provided by Upstate’s Center for Civic Engagement and Simone Seward.
Just a half-mile from the Upstate campus, Dr King School has a special bond with the academic medical center. Upstate students have often visited the school to participate in science programs and fairs. Students have supported other schools as well. Last month Upstate’s chapter of the Student National Medical Association (SNMA) distributed dozens of books to students in kindergarten through third grade at Van Duyn Elementary School in Syracuse as part of their outreach efforts to instill in students that anything is possible for anyone.
Special recognition to; students and Upstate employees, and also contributions from area organizations, the Amazin’ Mets Foundation, Maxim Construction, the PGR Foundation, the Cathedral at Immaculate Conception and Blaze Pizza.