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“Transformative” Micron Makes Historic Local Community and Workforce Commitments as Onondaga Community College Hosts President Biden

Union Jobs: Shawni Davis of IBEW, was chosen to introduce President Biden by her union

This is the largest investment in community engagement in history

Investment would not be possible without recently passed Chip legislation

Links to each speakers video remarks 

There was genuine excitement among the audience gathered for the event introducing Micron to the community. The Clay, New York Micron site selection surprised this community, we’re used to announcements of pending prosperity based on economic development that never panned out, especially for city of Syracuse residents. The promise of 9,000 jobs over a 20-year period accompanied by 40,000 jobs being created by others, is transformative for our region. The impact is going to take time as site preparation and construction will take several years before a microchip is produced.  Conversations surrounding Investments in this community have begun as Micron leaders met with many Central New York stakeholders.

Local Higher Education support for this Initiative

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On the afternoon of October 27th, the President of Onondaga Community College, Dr. Warren Hilton welcomed the crowd to the OCC campus, “We are honored to welcome President Biden, Micron CEO Sanjay Mehrotra and his team, and elected leaders from across our region, New York state, and the nation to the Onondaga Community College campus for today’s historic event. We are proud to be one of Micron’s education partners in their $100 billion investment and look forward to working closely with them as we transform our entire region. Preparing for the education process will include construction of a high-tech “cleanroom” on our campus where students can learn and prepare for rewarding careers in the semiconductor industry. We thank Gov. Kathy Hochul, SUNY Chancellor Deborah Stanley, and Onondaga County Executive Ryan McMahon for their support as we continue to transform our campus to meet the needs of our workforce partners. Onondaga Community College has come a long way since we opened our doors to students 60 years ago in an abandoned typewriter factory in downtown Syracuse. We are excited to be part of this project, which will transform our region for the next 60 years and beyond.”

Kent Syverud, Syracuse University Chancellor said, “In partnership with Micron, our team is rolling up our sleeves and getting to work. Already, we have several initiatives underway. These include the creation of the Syracuse University Future-Ready Workforce Innovation Consortium, efforts to ramp up Micron’s hiring of veterans and the further investment in the Future Professors Fellowship Program. Individually, these are great opportunities for our university and our community. Combined, they represent transformative and innovative ways to reimagine and reshape how we prepare the next generation of leaders, innovators and disruptors.”

An array of speakers followed, preceding the President;

Manish Bhatia, EVP Global Operations Micron ; Rob Simpson, President CenterState CEO; Ryan McMahon, Onondaga County Executive; April Arnzen, Chief People Officer at Micron and President of the Micron Foundation. Both Sen. Chuck Schumer and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, spoke of the challenge; creating this historic legislation and the importance of its passing. Sanjay Mehrotra, CEO Micron, spoke about the company and Micron’s commitment to their Clay NY facility.  The task of introducing President Biden went to Shawni Davis, IBEW as Syracuse’s only African American Master Electrician.

Sen. Chuck Schumer spoke with passion about what’s being created, saying, “We are bringing together the best and the brightest, and programs like this are how we breathe new life into our nation’s manufacturing future and prepare the next generation with the skills and education they need to take us into tomorrow. This investment will help ensure America remains on the cutting-edge of new innovations and that our workforce is ready for the good-paying jobs building our future in the communities that need them most, including Upstate NY, and I am proud to have paved the way to make it happen.”

In her remarks an elated New York Gov. Kathy Hochu said, “I have waited for this day for so long and I’m so grateful to have extraordinary partners – people in the private sector, labor community, and in government. And that does start with our very own, once a resident of Syracuse, New York when he was a student at the law school, our President, President Joe Biden. I want to thank him for coming to town, not for a law school reunion, but a reunion of Upstate with the glorious past of its manufacturing legacy. That’s what the reunion is going on right here today. And then we’ve waited our lives for this. We have waited such a long time to finally have that sense of hope again, and it happened again.

And I want to thank Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. If he had not been the Majority Leader, we would not be sitting here today. I can guarantee that. We needed the Democrats to get this over the finish line. And I do think Senator Gillibrand and all the other senators who teamed up on this. And in New York State, knowing how important this was to our state, I think thank the entire Democratic Congressional Delegation and the two Republicans, John Katko and Chris Jacobs of Buffalo for being the two who supported it. I’m grateful. I’m grateful you stood up. I’m grateful at least you stood up.”

Union Jobs: Shawni Davis of local IBEW, was chosen to speak by her Union

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Shawni Davis of local IBEW, was chosen to speak by her union, this is just a portion of her introduction to President Biden. “I attended Syracuse University where I studied psychology. I got my start as an electrician doing an amateur rough-in with my dad in Florida and I enjoyed the experience. My dad told me, if you love it so much when you get back to New York you join the Union. That’s what I did. Local 43 they welcomed me, and with some borrowed tools from our now business manager, I was able to work my way up starting as a helper, moving up to being an apprentice and then a Journeywoman Electrician. And now I’m the first black woman master electrician.

My career in the IBEW changed my life for the better. I was given incredible opportunities and a bright future here in Syracuse NY area. I’m not only a master electrician, I also own my own electrical contracting company, Luminary Electrical Contracting.

And we are here, and we are ready to power up New York’s long-awaited manufacturing rebirth.  You all can image how much of an honor it is to be able to introduce the President of the United States.  When I got that call, I was like, “who?” Anyway, we all know that politicians tend to make a lot of promises, especially during election season which we have coming up. Too many of them don’t actually keep their promises, but not President Biden.

What I like about President Biden is that he understands the value of our workers in the United States and that we’ve always, as workers stepped up to help our community, in our country and that that the workers of this country should be respected, and as well as the unions in this country. So, he made some promises when he got elected and I remember these promises, I have them written on this paper here.

He promised to reach across the aisle. he promised to invest in rebuilding and modernizing our infrastructure, to expand our broadband modern modernize our grid for cleaner energy and to target undeserved community underserved communities.  President Biden promised to bring back manufacturing so that we can start building things in this country again.

Here we are two years later, and I am saying loud and proud that promises were made, and promises were kept. For the people living in this community, we understand how desperately we need this new beginning in the Syracuse and Central New York area, especially with all of the plants closing, job losses and the hearts breaking for generations of workers. So, this plant means hope.  It means good paying union, construction, and manufacturing jobs for years ahead. So, selfishly I’m really excited about it.

This plant also means that when I go to see and speak to our high school and middle school students, which is which is our next generation of workers. I can look at them and say, ‘you can get a job right here in Syracuse, you don’t have to go away anymore.’  You know, that was one of the things that we lost. A lot of people moving away because we didn’t have that. So, we have that now, and I’m able to go ahead and say that to them.  Look them right in the eye and say that to them and also to show them that a person that looks like them, can be a part of rebuilding our city, our state, our country.”

Local Community Engagement Fund

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As announced at the event by April Arnzen, Chief People Officer at Micron, and President of the Micron Foundation. The company has established a $250-million-dollar fund for community engagement. They’re expecting to leverage that amount up to an astounding $500 million dollars using local, state and private investments. $500 million investment, in partnership with the state of New York, in community and workforce development. Aimed at expanding and preparing Central New York’s workforce for Micron’s new leading-edge memory megafab.

Micron has hit the ground running, working to establish a strong relationship with our local community as part of their company philosophy. Local educators from elementary schools, the regions colleges and universities, African American churches, community-based organizations, and minority contractors have all been engaging with Micron.

Micron invests in and works to enrich the communities where its team members live and work through philanthropy and volunteerism.

  • Micron will make an initial $500,000 investment in the YMCA of Central New York, expanding access to high-quality childcare and early learning for underserved communities in the region.
  • Micron will launch a $500,000 sponsorship at the Museum of Science & Technology (MOST), which includes:

A long-term MOST exhibit that allows students and their families hands-on experiences to learn about semiconductors and their common applications throughout Central New York, as well as the history of Micron.

  • Midwinter- and spring-break MOST science camps, made available to students at no cost.
  • A STEM education series and design challenges to provide continuous learning opportunities.

Rob Simpson of CenterState CEO, “This is the largest investment in community engagement in history”.

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According to Rob Simpson of CenterState CEO, “This is the largest investment in community engagement in history”. In his speech he talked about the project, not only in terms of direct and indirect jobs created by Micron being located here. He talked about the impact on our local human capital, those left behind and the unprecedented nature of the chip manufacturers’ corporate commitment to transforming communities in which they operate.

Simpson continues, “The Central New York Community continues to celebrate Micron’s announcement that it will invest up to $100 billion and create 9,000 direct jobs over the next two decades. However, it is the commitments Micron is making through the Community Investment Framework that make this historic deal one that is both transformative for all in Central New York, and the new standard for economic development nationwide. Micron’s investment ensures that this entire community will have the chance to benefit both now and for decades, to come. Micron’s commitment to work with local partners is unprecedented and will scale job-readiness programs, prepare our youngest community members for future careers, expand entrepreneurial and innovation programming, and connect MWBE suppliers to this project. Simpson, “As we work toward our organization’s mission to create a community where businesses thrive and all people prosper, we are exceptionally grateful to have Micron as a partner who shares our vision.”

  • Micron announced a five-million-dollar investment in Onondaga Community College to create an environment to train prospective employees. As OCC will become one of several institutions of higher education tasked with preparing the workforce required to fill the upcoming infusion of opportunity into our region.
  • Partner with Syracuse University to support new, diverse faculty whose research and teaching will train the workforce of the future through its Future Professors Fellowship Program.
  • Expand strategic partnerships with regional universities including Clarkson, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Cornell and others.
  • Micron Technology, Inc. (Nasdaq: MU), and the Micron Foundation, along with U.S. Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer, have also announced a new partnership with the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), committing to a joint investment of $10 million to fund and develop semiconductor curricula in colleges and universities across the country.

Why Central New York?

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The decision to locate in Central New York was emphasized by Micron President, Sanjay Mehrotra, CEO Micron reiterated what he and others have stated regarding the Microchip manufacturer locating in New York State. According to Mehrotra, “Total market for memory is expected to grow to more than $300 billion by the end of this decade. So, it is obvious to meet the growing demand for memory, new Fabs to be built. But not long ago an investment of the scale that we have talked about today in the United States was not obvious at all.  In fact, it was not even realistic, over the last 30 years foreign countries have incentivized businesses to transfer semiconductor manufacturing overseas.  Without similar public private government partnership here in the states. cost to build in the US versus overseas grew to as much as 45% higher. US sites were simply unable to compete effectively against these overseas incentives. But now, what we are doing, what many thought impossible just a few years ago with the Chips Act totally changes that. Now chips act will make the US and New York specifically a hub for leading edge semiconductor manufacturing.  This bill and what we are achieving because of it is reviving the belief that America can be a manufacturing leader.

Onondaga County Republican Party Attack Biden and Democrats “unnecessarily divisive comments”

In response to the Presidential visit the Onondaga County Republican Committee released a statement attacking President Biden and Democrats accusing the President of making “unnecessarily divisive comments and speak to the nature of politics today”. Their statement below fails to mention the historic decision to make microchips in the United States was based on recent Chip Manufacturing legislation recently signed into Law.  Sanjay Mehrotra, CEO Micron made it clear that legislation was the key, costs to make microchips are 40% cheaper in other parts of the world, “this expansion would not be possible without this legislation”.

Onondaga County Republican Party wasted no time attacking President Biden and Democrats, in a statement Released after the event:

The President’s comments today at Onondaga Community College were unnecessarily divisive and speak to the nature of American politics today. Rather than thank everyone who made this once in a generation investment a reality, President Biden chose to elevate his political allies and belittle Republicans writ large.

Before a deal was struck with Micron, that property was White Pine Commerce Park. And before White Pine, it was a piece of land Onondaga County had been preparing and investing in since the early 2000s for a project just like Micron.

Democrats opposed it at every juncture, but County Executive Ryan McMahon, with the help of the Republican led County Legislature, laid all the groundwork for what we now know will be the single largest private investment in American history. What President Joe Biden and Governor Kathy Hochul seem to fail to realize is that Republicans did 99% of the work, and Democrats rode coattails to do the final 1%.”

The Republican Party’s nominee for Governor of New York State, Lee Zeldin blasted the Micron project stating, “New York State shouldn’t offer incentives for companies to create jobs.”

Southern states have been providing incentives for decades, in some cases far greater than what New York State is willing pay. For example, incentives for the Amazon Headquarters proposed for the New York City area were less than Southern states bidding for the same project. Plans for New York State were scuttled due to the downstate community’s negative reaction toward Amazon and the award of the massive endeavor.  Amazon went south with their HQ2 project.

Biden Fact Checked Republicans

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The Presidents speech was a fact-check on what Republicans are planning to do if they win back the House of Representatives and the Senate. These issues are what President Biden explained to the enthusiastic audience.

Cancelling the maximum out of pocket expenses in health care costs, rolling back the $35 dollar ceiling on monthly Insulin costs, their proposal to change Social Security to an expense, to be reviewed every five years. As Americans pay the highest costs for prescription medications, Biden charged the Republicans with capitulating to “big pharma” as they’ve threatened to repeal legislation allowing Medicare to negotiate medicine costs.

This was an historic day for our region as a major manufacturer has proposed establishing a production facility in Onondaga County. Not only are they establishing a new facility, but they’re also investing in our people, human capital. As many members of the African American community gathered at the event stated, “this is going to be great for our community, our children and grandchildren”.  Executive Director of Jubilee Homes, Walt Dixie said, “we’ve been working on getting something like this for decades. Micron has made a commitment and is in the process of engaging the African American community.” The word “transformative” was the most often heard from the podium and members of the audience. This is a region that’s endured so any promises over the last two decades, paired with the accompanying failures. Our fortunes appear to be turning around after decades of decline and failed efforts to improve our community.

Rise Above

Back in 2017 when Ben Walsh launched his campaign to become the Mayor of Syracuse, he asked the community to “Rise Above”. Prior to his election some of our local elected leaders weren’t even speaking with each other. By the end of her term Syracuse Mayor Stephanie A. Minor wasn’t speaking with the County Executive, Joannie Mahoney; the District Attorney, William Fitzpatrick and Syracuse Police Chief, Frank Fowler were at odds. Based on recent developments we as a community chose to “rise”.

I’ve spoken with corporations engaging with Syracuse and the Syracuse Surge; JPMorganChase, Microsoft and others. They all said the same thing, “It’s unique to have a community where all local leaders are committed to working collaboratively and that’s rare, that’s what attracted us to invest in Syracuse.”


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