Housing & community activists call on County to ‘Follow the Voice of the People and Fund Basic Human Needs First!’
Local organizations and Housing Justice for All, a statewide coalition of housing activists and community organizations, rally and protest at the planned $85 million aquarium site at the Inner Harbor to focus attention on community priorities
- Housing Justice for All
- Syracuse Tenants Organizing for Power!
- (STOP!) Coalition
- Families for Lead Freedom Now
- Syracuse Tenants Union
- Unchained
- Syracuse Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL)
- Syracuse Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)
Saturday, October 1, 2022, 5:00 p.m.
Inner Harbor, corner of Bear Street West and Solar Street,
Syracuse, NY 13204
With a third of Syracuse residents, including 44% of the city’s children, living below the poverty line and continuing impacts of the pandemic, Syracuse also faces a housing crisis. Residents in its most impacted neighborhoods face eviction as landlords respond to code violations, including lead poisoning and other tenant complaints, with eviction threats and proceedings. With more than half of all Syracuse households living in rental units, the evictions crisis and the poor housing conditions behind it define the city. Community organizations are rallying to address how misplaced county priorities, exemplified by spending COVID money on an aquarium, result from the failure of leadership and anti-democratic practices of County Executive Ryan McMahon and an economic model that works for the few at the expense of the many.