Syracuse, N.Y. – Sunday, September 11th, is the 21st anniversary of a day that forever changed our nation. Thousands of innocent lives were lost, including many first responders. The City of Syracuse will hold a ceremony in Fayette Firefighters Park to honor all those who perished.
Please join Syracuse Mayor Ben Walsh, Onondaga County Executive J. Ryan McMahon, Syracuse Fire Chief Michael Monds, Syracuse Police Chief Jospeh Cecile, and uniformed members of the Syracuse Fire and Police departments for this solemn event. Download flyer Sept_11th_ceremony_invite_flyer_2022
The ceremony will begin promptly at 8:30 a.m. with opening remarks. Chiefs Monds and Cecile will join Mayor Walsh and Executive McMahon in lighting ceremonial candles. There will then be 17 minutes of silence between 8:46 a.m. and 9:03 a.m., representing the time between the first and second planes hitting the World Trade Center towers.
Sunday, September 11, 2022
Fayette Firefighters Park
400 block of East Fayette St.
Downtown Syracuse
8:30 a.m.
Police and Fire Honor Guard
8:46 a.m. to 9:03 a.m.
Candle lighting ceremony and 17 minutes of silence marking the time the first jet struck the north tower of the World Trade Center to the time the second jet struck the south tower on September 11, 2001
Please be aware of its duration; there will be some chairs available in the rear if anyone requires them. When standing for long periods, do not lock your knees, as it interferes with circulation and can increase chances of becoming faint.