Syracuse, N.Y. – County Executive J. Ryan McMahon, II today announced that the proposed Senior Household Stimulus Program is moving forward. At a meeting of the Health and Human Services Committee held this morning, Legislators voted unanimously to advance the program which means it will now be considered by the Ways and Means Committee at their next meeting which is scheduled for June 28th. If approved at Ways and Means, the full Legislature can consider it at their July 5th session. The program was proposed at the 2022 State of the County and calls for eligible senior households to receive a onetime $200 stimulus to assist in their economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and current economic pressures.
At the State of the County, County Executive McMahon said, “We all know that many of our senior citizens are on fixed incomes and the current rate of inflation is making it increasingly difficult for them to pay the bills and put food on the table. We also recognize that our seniors are the backbone of our neighborhoods and have laid the foundation for the progress we see today. While these payments will not solve the larger economic headwinds we are all facing, it will provide some temporary relief for those who need it most.”
Eligible seniors are those that are currently receiving the New York State Enhanced STAR exemption for the 2022-2023 school year. The onetime program is estimated to cost $5.5 million. The County will draw the money from its fund balance. Approximately 27,500 households are estimated to be eligible.