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Want to Stop the Proliferation of Military Style Weaponry: Require Insurance

The founders were more concerned with the British than a lone gunman armed with Muskets

If we’re required to carry liability insurance on an old Hooptie, why not a gun?  

Sounds far-fetched, doesn’t it? Requiring liability insurance for any gun or ammunition that’s manufactured to kill human beings. If your interpretation of the Second Amendment relies on the founders, be mindful that the newly minted nation had no standing military. Even projectiles known as bullets weren’t sophisticated enough to pierce law enforcement body armor. At the time no one could’ve imagined a time when an individual can own the weapons of war. The founders were more concerned with the British than a lone gunman armed with Muskets and bayonets attacking a one room schoolhouse.

We mandate Insurance liability coverage for cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc. What’s wrong with mandating insurance for any weapon that’s built to take human life?  We require more responsibility from those driving raggedy vehicles held together by duct tape. Liability coverage for your registered vehicle is not optional (at least not in New York State). Therefore, why not make this rule applicable to these tools of carnage? That’s the one thing we can do, while people hold on to their “precious” fixation on weapons.

When those pro-gun advocates start offering truckloads of “thoughts and prayers” are we as a nation going to say words aren’t enough? When conservative talkers rant about how the, “left” is going to make this political. When are we going to say, “yes this is political, your job is to protect us”, a job codified in an oath elected political leaders take.

And yet, daily roughly 100 people die in the United States due to gun violence, and those are 2018 numbers. We own 40% of the worlds guns and yet bare no responsibility for their operation and consequence of their use.

How many people would continue to hoard weaponry if they knew they had a fiduciary responsibility tied to that gun. The proposal here is with mandated liability insurance for weapons not designed for hunting. Sure, hold on to your AK-15’s, expanded bullet clips, enhanced body armor better than local law enforcement. But, be prepared to take responsibility for these machines of war and carnage.

How many more grocery stores, schools or places of worship have to be terrorized before there’s a commonsense response to an ever-growing crisis? We hear from Constitutional purists that the right to bear arms is sacred, enshrined in our sacred documents. We’re talking about the 1700’s, “The founders” were more concerned with the British than a lone gunman armed with Muskets and bayonets attacking a one room schoolhouse. If we’re required to carry liability insurance on an old Hooptie, why not a gun?


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