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National Action Network, Syracuse Chapter Response “8 year old’s encounter with Syracuse City Police on April 17, 2022

The sound of fear, pain and anguish yet reverberates in my heart! The cry of a little boy’s encounter with the Syracuse Police after allegedly taking a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos from a store has resonated across this community and now at this point the country. With all that Syracuse could be noted for on a national platform, we now are being asked, “What! For a bag of Doritos?”

I have seen the full body cam footage and the impact of those moments will continue with me for a long time. It was heart wrenching hearing the sound of a child close in age to my beloved grandson evoked a deep visceral reaction. I begin to think of the long term impact on this child and the other children that watched, and even tried to “rescue him” from being detained. My thoughts went out to those neighbors, the family of the young man and to our overall community.

We have discussed the need for an authentic and developing relationship with the Syracuse Police, we were mandated as a community by the Office of the Govenor to look intensely at policing in this community and what needs to be done to adjust, change, improve and develop intentional conversation and changes within a community that has historical mistrust of the police. Whatever was developed has quickly eroded because of a bag of Doritos and an 8 year old little boy! I asked the question, “if a child is taking a bag of Doritos and eating onsite what does that tell you? It tells you, THE CHILD IS HUNGRY!” We must immediately do some real intentional WORK! Work that is going to review, access and change how we police are interacting with the most vulnerable of our community.

And yes, as I previously stated, I WATCHED the body cam footage. Once the child was brought to his home, I heard the concern and passion of a father that is need of support and intervention with his children. Not judgement, but help!

Photo from video

This is a family that needs to be embraced by the supports of the City of Syracuse, the Syracuse City School District and organizations that are charged and FUNDED to provide the services for those that are in need.

This was not the first encounter with the police for this little boy and his siblings. They exhibited behaviors that store owners and businesses have resorted to calling the police.  Such behavior is an indicator that there is a need that must be addressed. We need to come together and collectively plan a way to intervene so that the police are NOT CALLED. Called to do what they are not trained to do! Bring forward those that have the skill sets and training, the compassion and patience to give to those like this little boy and others the help they need and provide the family the guidance and undergirding necessary to successfully  become a family of success! Now we have a that will need counseling and care to recover from the trauma of a negative interaction with the police that has been seen around the world!

This video clip is a call to action and response! We must respond to the needs of our children and address with urgency the changes that have been discussed regarding the interaction of the Syracuse Police with Black and Brown communities. What we saw should resonate deep within the SPD and the City Administration for quick and solid change. We can not wait, we can not delay! Our children need us to move and to move with precision and intentionality.

A Bag of Cool Ranch Doritos, Syracuse City Police and an 8 year old little boy have become the “Hot Topic” of social media. Syracuse, we have Serious Work To Do!

Bishop H. Bernard Alex, President
National Action Network, Syracuse Chapter


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