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New York State to Host Disadvantaged Communities Criteria Educational Sessions

April Virtual Information Sessions Will Detail Criteria and Development Process and Offer Opportunities to Ask Technical Questions

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), in partnership with the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), will host two virtual information and educational sessions on the State’s draft disadvantaged communities (DAC) criteria on Wednesday, April 13, and Tuesday, April 19.

New York’s Climate Justice Working Group (CJWG) consists of representatives from Environmental Justice groups from across the State. The CJWG voted to release the draft criteria for identifying disadvantaged communities for public review. The criteria are based on geographic, public health, environmental hazard, and socioeconomic factors, and once approved, will be used to help meet the directives of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act) related to reducing pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, as well as to inform regulatory impact statements and inform the State’s clean energy and energy efficiency investments. The draft disadvantaged communities criteria was released last month for public review and comment.

The April public education sessions are an opportunity for interested stakeholders to review the CJWG’s process and methodology for selecting DACs and to answer technical questions on the draft criteria and maps. These are not public hearings to receive public comments. A schedule for in-person and virtual public hearings on the draft criteria and indicators is being developed and will be announced soon. To submit public comments, please visit https://climate.ny.gov/Our-Climate-Act/Disadvantaged-Communities-Criteria, email DEC at DACComments@dec.ny.gov, or send via U.S. mail to: Attention: Draft DAC Comments, NYS DEC, Attn. Office of Environmental Justice, 625 Broadway, 14th Floor, Albany NY 12233.

Session 1: Wednesday, Apr. 13, 2022 – 12:00 pm | (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Attendees join link: https://meetny-broadcast-pilot.webex.com/meetny-broadcast-pilot/j.php?MTID=mdefbecea7780c6aaaf9be7d48a3c50dc

Webinar number: 2339 337 3154

Webinar password: DAC-Apr13 (32202771 from phones)

Session 2: Tuesday, Apr 19, 2022 – 6:00 pm | (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Spanish Translation Services will be available

Attendees join link: https://meetny-broadcast-pilot.webex.com/meetny-broadcast-pilot/j.php?MTID=m466e21b3d31187e01454265702c75002

Webinar number: 2337 652 8847

Webinar password: DAC-Apr19 (32202771 from phones)

Join by phone: +1-518-549-0500 USA Toll

Enter access code: 233 765 28847

Note: Closed captioning will be available for both webinars. In addition, Spanish interpretation will be available for the April 19 webinar. Please direct requests for additional language interpretation for either the April 13 or 19 webinars by email to Language@dec.ny.gov or telephone to 518-402-8044. Interpretation is provided free of charge and all interpretation requests must be received no later than April 5.

For more information visit: Draft Scoping Plan Currently Out for Public Comment and Review. The sessions will be recorded and posted on DEC’s website for reference throughout the comment period.


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