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  • Syracuse Stage - Espejos: Clean

Feeding Frenzy: the public employee video game

In the true spirit of video games and in light of the ailing economy Nintendo has invented the ultimate in gaming satisfaction “Feeding Frenzy.”

Feeding Frenzy is best viewed in High-Definition. It’s bloody and not for the faint at heart.

The scene is an abandoned school in one of the city’s poorest neighborhoods. You are the controller of their destiny – who are you today?

A frustrated newspaper worker who had to endure a pay cut just to keep your job?

Or a former employee of television station who has chosen to outsource their news operations?

Perhaps you are a former factory worker whose job has gone to Mexico?

How about the china maker that just left town?

In this game your goal is to protect your wallet as you make your way to the main office to buy a raffle ticket.

The frustrated manipulator of events is you the gamer!

As you walk through the old school, floorboards creek with every step. Suddenly, zombie-like teachers emerge and start grabbing at your wallet. Your task is to use your Ninja skills to protect the gamer as you head to the main office.

Your goal is to activate the school administrators to attack the teachers, which will then turn into cannibals.

Let the feeding frenzy begin, with nothing left to consume, teachers start attacking the young.

The freshest and youngest go first, then the teacher aids. This is where the game gets bloody as these professionals are forced to feed off each other.

You can use your Avatar (image of somebody in virtual reality) to change the identity of the game pieces: this week teachers, next week New York State public employees.

Throw round- house kicks as you fight off those in a zombie-like trance.

“Pay increase, pay increase” they shout as their outstretched hands impede your journey, (by the way they also bite). Once bitten you become a public employee turning on your own body. At this point you embody the idiomatic expression, cutting off your nose to spite your face.


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