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Rules of the Game

For those who are graduating from high school (or have relatives graduating next may), here is a quick rhyme I wrote about kicking butt in college. It is my firm belief that EVERY CHILD IS COLLEGE MATERIAL IF THEY WANT TO BE…..so, whatever your guidance counselor told you about your child not being equipped for the next level, tell them that Dr. Boyce said THEY ARE WRONG.

Education is your vehicle, it’s kinda like your first car
Here are tips from the top on how to live like a star

You think school’s not important and you let your grades slide?

Well, buckle up my negro, cause I’m pimpin your ride

Some think school is important, some think that it’s not
But it’s Ludicrous to think you’ll get that number one spot

Without that paper in your pocket, you’re getting no love That top position that your fishin….it ain’t hiring scrubs

Do you want to fly like an eagle or live your life with a limp?

Pimpin ain’t too easy, but it sucks getting pimped

Some people think good grades come to those who are smart

But you can’t be a great heart surgeon if you ain’t go no heart

If you got good grades already, then the burden’s no lighter

Your GPA is slammin, but it can always be tighter

And when you hit that first obstacle and you’ve just been beat down

Are you gonna get up like a fighter or lie down like a clown?

College is the place to make your dreams come true

But making silly choices can create nightmares for you

So, let me pimp your ride and I’m a start with the rims

24 inch spinners, the paint job matching your tims

Number 1: study for 6 hours a day If you are consistent and persistent then your hard work will pay Pulling all nighters might make sense when your doing it see But that F on your exam is what you’re getting from me

Number 2: don’t allow yourself to skip any class Days off never pay off when you’re trying to pass But passing all your classes is not your first role Be a baller and a scholar, straight As are your goal

Number 3: Don’t feel you have to drink till your drunk
Cause cupid makes you stupid when the party’s too crunk
We have rapists and drunk drivers when the liquor gets full And lifetime alcoholics when they get out of school

Number 4: don’t forget this part of the rhyme NEVER drop out of college for any reason, any time! People leave school for a second, to get out of that cage
Then they’re 35 with 3 kids making minimum wage

Number 5: make sure you learn to manage your time Your time is like your money, you should count every dime Procrastination is a gamble, don’t rely on your luck
Or you’ll crap out and be busted, with a report card that sucks

Number 6: Getting a college degree is real cool But to make the monster money, go to graduate school I promise that if you’re willing to go that last mile The bling on your check will match the bling in your smile

Number 7: make sure you know your major by heart Know every class you’re taking from the end to the start Know all the classes that you need to get the degree in your hand Don’t be sitting at the end, saying “I didn’t know man!”

Number 8: baby mamas are created by sex And child support’s like pacman when it eats up your check If you call yourself a player and eager to please The campus is a GREAT place to catch a nasty disease!

Life is kinda serious, and it ain’t playin no games
You have to come out dunkin like your names Lebron James
Cause if you don’t hustle like hustler to get that last inch You’ll find yourself defeated at the end of the bench

Yes this ride is costly, cause pimpin ain’t free But your whip will be the tightest if you listen to me Whether you want a life of freedom or just want some cash Or if you want a chromed out Bentley with DVDs in the dash

Education lets you travel down the highway of life It creates freedom for your kids or your husband or wife
You’ll drive this ride forever, until you are dead So get on it if you want, cause its built in your head

Dr. Boyce Watkins is a Finance Professor at Syracuse University and author of “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about College”. He makes regular appearances in national media, including CNN, FOX, ESPN, and Essence Magazine. For more information, please visit http://www.BoyceWatkins.com.


Hello my friends,

some people have been interested in my thoughts about Pastor Jeremiah Wright and the situation with Sean Bell, the young man who was shot in New York.

I have an interesting perspective on Sean Bell because my father has been in law enforcement for the past 25 years. I truly believe that most cops are good people who want to do the right thing.

However, as a black man, I’ve felt that people of color have little reason to trust the criminal justice system, which has been used as a tool of oppression for hundreds of years. Personally, I think that the issue of police misconduct is much bigger than Sean Bell. Our justice system is certainly sick, and not fixing it will cause long-term damage to our nation.

[http://www.yourblackworld.com/short_pieces/sean_bell.htm] Here is an article I recently wrote on the topic if you want to see it:

I spoke recently at The National Black Law Student Association Conference in support of Pastor Jeremiah Wright. I feel that he is a true man of God serving a power higher than that of the White House or even Barack Obama.

Dr. King received the same degree of hatred when he spoke on racial injustice, and 40 years later, we still haven’t learned to see the bigger picture.

The idea that Obama is being consistently attacked for his affiliations with strong and respected black men (while truly questionable associations of other candidates are being ignored) is symptomatic of the race-baiting being revealed in this election. The very idea that Obama’s camp had to feel that attending the 40th anniversary of Dr. King’s assassination was “too black” for America is quite problematic.

I hate to say this, but I honestly don’t feel that Obama is going to be President in 2008. However, this is not the fault of Jeremiah Wright. Rather, it is the fault of those who attack Obama for being affiliated with Jeremiah Wright.

Here is a [http://www.youtube.com/blueboymedia] video on the topic we did in case you want to see it.


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